Marketing School Accreditation

Marketing School Accreditation

Once you've decided to earn a degree in marketing, you'll need to choose a college or university. One of the most important criteria to consider when choosing a marketing school is accreditation. Accreditation is very important because it gives legitimacy to the degree you have worked so hard to earn.

Accreditation is not awarded by the federal government, but by independent organizations. A school goes through an accreditation process to ensure its students that they are receiving a quality education. The student is not merely paying to earn a degree. The faculty is presenting course material that is relevant to the degree being earned. Accreditation makes your degree very valuable to potential employers. In addition, some schools will not allow you to transfer credits from unaccredited schools.

A school will typically have two types of accreditation: institutional and specialized. Institutional accreditation will be awarded to the entire school if it meets certain criteria. There are regional boards (six in the United States) that review every aspect of an institution. The board looks at the school's educational programs, undergraduate degrees, graduate degree programs, faculty, administration, resources, and policies to ensure that the institution is meeting rigorous standards. The review takes place every few years. The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools is one example of a regional board.

Specialized accreditation goes one step further. This type of accreditation is relevant to a specific degree or area of study. Many employers only recruit from schools that hold specialized accreditations. The AACSB, or Association to Advanced Collegiate Schools of Business, is a highly desirable business school accreditation. Marketing programs that hold this distinction are held in high regard. Since 1919, AACSB has been vigorously scrutinizing business schools throughout the country. Its goal is to ensure that the education a student receives is of the highest quality. It also gives peace of mind to potential employers, knowing that these business school grads have learned and are ready to perform.

To receive AACSB accreditation, a school must meet certain eligibility requirements and work to develop a Standards Alignment Plan. A program's coursework and faculty are reviewed to see how well students are being prepared for present and future responsibilities.

A school may list several different accreditations. However, not all accreditations are recognized nationally or globally. The Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) maintains a database for all legitimate national and international accrediting organizations. If you have questions about your school's accreditation, make sure to review CHEA's list.